• Quality dry red wine Ruby red in color, this wine smells after black currants with a hint of vanilla. In its structured taste you you will detect green pepper and poppies. Ideally pairs with dark meats and wild game specialities, also with hard cheeses. Best served at 14 °C.
  • Quality dry pink wine
  • Slovak quality dry red wine. Wine of ruby red color. In its intense flowery and fruit scent you‘ll discover the scent of cherries, plums, black currants, violets as well as anise. As the wine ripens it wins a harmonious taste of oak, smoke and mild chocolate, the robus flavor needs to be uncovered in the typical scent of wood. It pairs ideally with dar meats and wild game, as well as with hard cheeses. Best served at 14 °C.
  • Quality dry red wine This is the noblest representative of red wines, ruby red in color with an intense fruit and flower scent where you can discover cherries, plums, black currants as well as violets and anise. As it ripens, this wine develops a harmonious oak aroma with a hint of smoke and mild chocolate flavor. Robust flavor is covered in a mild woody aroma. Ideal wine to pair with dark meat and wild game, also with hard cheeses. Served at 14 °C.
  • Quality dry red wine This is the noblest representative of red wines, ruby red in color with an intense fruit and flower scent where you can discover cherries, plums, black currants as well as violets and anise. As it ripens, this wine develops a harmonious oak aroma with a hint of smoke and mild chocolate flavor. Robust flavor is covered in a mild woody aroma. Ideal wine to pair with dark meat and wild game, also with hard cheeses. Served at 14 °C.
  • Akostné odrodové červené suché víno. Mohutné víno purpurovej farby s arómou černíc. Chuť je divoká, korenistá, doplnená o pekne zapracované triesloviny. Vhodné k jedlám z diviny alebo samostatne. Teplota podávania: 16 - 18°C.  
  • Akostné odrodové červené víno, suché. Alibernet tmavorubínovej farby prechádzajúcej do tehlovočervenej. Vôňou pripomína zrelé drobné ovocie s prevahou ostružiny. Chuť je plná, ovocná, s jemnou trieslovinou, ktorá ležaním získava na zamatovej vznešenosti. Odporúčame podávať k pokrmom z hovädzieho mäsa a diviniy. Teplota podávania: 15 - 17°C.
  • Akostné odrodové červené víno, suché. Víno tmavočervenej až rubínovej farby, prechádzajúcej niekedy až do fialova. Má príjemnú netrpkú chuť, ktorú obohacujú tóny čokolády, byliniek, bobuľového ovocia a niekedy aj prítomnosť dreva, dymu a korenia. Charakter vína dopĺňa aj jemná kyselina a väčšie triesloviny. Odroda patri k výrazným vínam, priatelí sa preto s výraznými jedlami, preto odporúčame podávať k tmavým mäsám a syrom. Z mäsa sú to najmä divina, zverina, hovädzie mäso a steaky. Zo syrov chuťovo výraznejšie tvrdé a plesňové syry. Teplota podávania: 16 - 18°C.
  • Slovenské akostné odrodové červené víno, suché. Víno purpurovej farby s vôňou malinového až černicového lekváru. V južansky teplej chuti vystupujú do popredia tóny čiernej bazy a horkej čokolády. Odporúčame k hovädzím pečeným mäsám, Teplota podávania: 16 - 18°C.
  • Akostné odrodové červené víno, suché. Víno purpurovej farby s vôňou malinového až černicového lekváru. V južansky teplej chuti vystupujú do popredia tóny čiernej bazy a horkej čokolády. Odporúčame podávať k hovädzím pečeným mäsám. Teplota podávania: 16 - 18°C
  • Akostné odrodové červené víno, suché.
  • Quality dry red wine. Robust wine of purple color with blackberry aroma. Wild, spicy flavor with a complement of tannins. Pairs well with wild game or also just by itself. Serving temperature: 16 - 18°C.  
  • Quality dry red wine Dark red to ruby colored wine, sometimes with a hue of purple. Smooth flavor, not bitter, with chocolaty tones, herbs, berries and sometimes wood, smoke and spices. Slight zestiness with a higher tannin content adds to the character of this wine. This type of wine is one of the more prominent in taste, it therefore pairs well with heavier foods such as red meats and cheeses. Ideal meats would be wild game, beef or steak, cheeses then would be hard and ones with cultured molds. Recommended serving temperature 16 - 18 °C.
  • Quality dry red wine Dark red to ruby colored wine, sometimes with a hue of purple. Smooth flavor, not bitter, with chocolaty tones, herbs, berries and sometimes wood, smoke and spices. Slight zestiness with a higher tannin content adds to the character of this wine. This type of wine is one of the more prominent in taste, it therefore pairs well with heavier foods such as red meats and cheeses. Ideal meats would be wild game, beef or steak, cheeses then would be hard and ones with cultured molds. Recommended serving temperature 16 - 18 °C.
  • Quality dry red wine Wine of red color with a purplish hue. In the suthern warm flavor you will taste especially dark elderflower and dark chocolate. We recommend serving with roast beef. Serving temperature 16 - 18 °C.
  • Quality dry red wine
  • Slovak quality dry red wine. Wine of red color with a purplish hue. In the suthern warm flavor you will taste especially dark elderflower and dark chocolate. We recommend pairing with roast meats, Best served at 14 °C.
  • Quality dry red wine Dark ruby red color changing into brick red. Its scent reminds you of ripe berries with a prevalence of blackberries. Taste is full, fruity with a hint of tannins, which ripens into velvety nobleness. We recommend serving it with beef and wild game. Serving temperature 15 - 17 °C.
  • Odrodové biele suché víno. Víno svetlozlatej farby. V chuti dominuje muškát, vo vôni biele kvety. Víno je ľahké a svieže. Odporúčame podávať k bielym mäsám, k sladkovodným rybám a jemným syrom. Teplota podávania: 10 - 12 °C.
  • White dry wine. Wine of light gold color. Dominant taste of geranium, scent of white flowers. Light and fresh wine. We recommend serving it with white meats, sweet water fish and mild cheeses. Serving temperature: 9 - 11 °C.


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