True Slovak made wine




Production from the South Slovak wine-growing region since 1996

The wine craft in the well-recognized region of Southern Slovakia dates back to the times of previous generations. Since 1996, the Virág family has been tirelessly continuing the tradition of wine production.

While making 5 million liters of wine per year, the company stays true to its quality and the integrity of being a family business.

23 Years of Experience

Our wines

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Our wine collection

Wines of the highest quality from Slovak appellations belong to the category with Protected Designation of Origin (PDO- Protected Designation of Origin / D.S.C. – Districtus Slovakia Controllatus) – South Slovak wine-growing region.

Wines of the highest quality from Slovak appellations belong to the category with Protected Designation of Origin (PDO- Protected Designation of Origin / D.S.C. – Districtus Slovakia Controllatus) – South Slovak wine-growing region.

Wines of the highest quality from Slovak appellations belong to the category with Protected Designation of Origin (PDO- Protected Designation of Origin / D.S.C. – Districtus Slovakia Controllatus) – South Slovak wine-growing region.

Séria Platinum odráža ideálne obdobie vinobrania v posledných rokoch, kde pri zbere nebolo príliš teplo a bolo stabilné PH. Tieto fakty prispeli k tvorbe vín s jedinečnou chuťou a nádhernou vôňou

Perlivé víno FriZzante je ľahké mladé víno, ktoré bude vyhovovať nielen Vám, ale aj Vašej rodine a priateľom.

Hrozno z tejto série je výlučne ručne zbierané pôvodom z Južnoslovenskej vinohradníckej oblasti a konkrétne zo Strekovských kopcov, kde slnko celý deň kopíruje výsadbu.

Všetky naše ďalšie vína, ako napríklad MILION, LXM a iné obľúbené série po celom Slovensku.


A family wine legacy

František Virág – founder

“Growing grapes and making wine is our family’s tradition.”

F. Virág

South Slovak vineyards

An excellent terroir

A unique wine-growing area

More than 5,000 hectares, 8 wine-growing regions and 114 wine-growing towns and villages form this romantic countryside, which spreads over the southernmost part of Slovakia.

The wine collection from our family business is the true taste of this unique wine-growing territory.


May quality wine continue to fill your glass.

Quantity, unique variety and the passion for wine are not enough. Quality wine must be processed professionally in the first place. Virex winery employs real enthusiasts who pass on their art from generation to generation.

Our wines are selected for their quality

Every grape processed with care

From the vineyard to the glass. Every step of the process is important. We select only the best grapes from the certified local growers. Each bottle of wine undergoes strict control. We focus on variety, maturity, origin. Subsequently, the process is made with high-end technologies supervised by the most experienced winemakers.

The final stage of the wine making process

Aged and bottled with care

The process of ageing the wine is extremely important, because this is where the unique taste of our wine is born. The packaging is also very important to us, since the taste of our wines is unique, we therefore adapt modern designs for our bottles each year.


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